Bhakti Yoga
the highest in the yoga ladder system
Discover the profound essence of yoga beyond physical exercise.
The term “yoga” originates from the Sanskrit root Yuj, meaning to unite or connect. Likewise, Bhakti derives from the Sanskrit word bhaj, signifying a profound expression of loving service. Bhakti-yoga, therefore, represents the beautiful path to connect with the Supreme through heartfelt devotion and selfless service.
Within the Bhagavad Gita, the foundational spiritual scripture of ISKCON, a plethora of yoga practices are unveiled. Among them are karma-yoga, the art of conscious action; jnana-yoga, the pursuit of philosophical understanding and introspection; and hatha-yoga, the practice of yoga asanas and breathing exercises.
While some contemporary practitioners solely focus on the physical benefits of yoga, the traditional yoga systems perceive physical exercises as merely a stepping stone toward the realization of God. In its ultimate wisdom, the Gita propounds bhakti-yoga, the pinnacle of all other yoga paths. Bhakti-yoga magnifies our devotion, service, and love for the Divine, specifically Lord Krishna.
The path of bhakti-yoga unravels through a myriad of transformative activities. These include the powerful practice of mantra meditation, where one lovingly chants the sacred names of God. This soul-stirring chanting can be performed individually, using prayer beads (japa), or collectively, through melodious congregational singing (kirtan). Moreover, the study of profound scriptures such as the Bhagavad-gita and Srimad Bhagavatam, association with kindred spiritual seekers, consumption of sanctified vegetarian food, and adhering to the principles of truthfulness, mercy, austerity, and cleanliness are all fundamental practices that illuminate the path of a devoted follower of bhakti.