Caring the Sacred Cows of Nepal

ISKCON Nepal’s Endeavors

For centuries, cows have been revered as symbols of abundance, purity, and spiritual grace.

In Nepal, they are regarded as a motherly figures, providing nourishment, sustenance, and prosperity to the people. However, with the changing times and modern challenges, the welfare of these divine beings is at stake. This is where ISKCON Nepal steps in with unwavering dedication and compassion.

At ISKCON Nepal, cow protection is not just a mere responsibility but a sacred duty rooted in the principles of love, compassion, and reverence for all living beings. Through a holistic approach, the organization strives to create sustainable environments where cows can thrive and fulfill their natural purpose without fear or harm.

One of the key initiatives undertaken by ISKCON Nepal is the establishment of Goshalas, lovingly designed shelters that provide a safe haven for cows in need. These Goshalas are meticulously maintained and provide not only shelter but also proper healthcare, nutritious food, and a serene atmosphere for the cows to graze and roam freely. With a team of dedicated caretakers, veterinarians, and volunteers, the cows are given the utmost care and attention they deserve.

ISKCON Nepal also recognizes the profound benefits that arise from nurturing and protecting cows. The organization actively promotes the use of cow products in a sustainable and ethical manner. From organic dairy products to medicinal preparations like cow urine and dung-based fertilizers, they strive to create awareness and encourage the utilization of these gifts of nature in a way that honors and respects the cows’ sacred presence.